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Accommodation and other information

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Accommodation and other information

To book a room, you must be 18 years of age. Children under the age of 7 stay free of charge in a double bed with their parents. Children under the age of 2 stay for free, and a cot is provided. For security reasons, only staying guests are allowed in the hotel rooms after 22:00.

Damage and extra guests
In the event of damage, the staying guest is liable for payment of the incurred damage.

Extra guest - SEK 500 - extra bed
Extra child - SEK 500 - extra bed from the age of two

Cancellation policy
Cancellation must be made no later than at 18:00 the day prior to arrival to avoid being charged for the stay.

Guaranteed booking – all bookings are booked by credit card.

The entire hotel is non-smoking.

Facilities and amenities

  • Laundry facilities are accessible upon request
  • There is always complimentary coffee and tea at the reception for staying guests
  • Toiletries are available for staying guests
  • Iron/ironing facilities are provided upon request